Tuesday, November 29, 2011

TypeFACE (part II)

Now that you've created a type portrait of yourself, that background looks pretty boring. Using the same technique used to create your portrait, create an interesting type background.

Use a DIFFERENT COLOR (or colors!) for the background so it stands out!

You have all class period today to work on these, as well as the weekend.

Projects are due on Monday when you come to class!

• Finish your TypeFACE project, complete with background!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Today's project is going to be fun! You are going to be creating a portrait of yourself using TYPE! There are great tutorials HERE and HERE that make this easy! Follow along and create your own type portrait!

You may use class time to take photos of each other for this project. You MUST use a photograph of YOURSELF as the portrait of this project. No exceptions! We have the photo studio available, as well as cameras to check out. Use the lights in there and create some shadows on your face! That will give your final type portrait better results. Get creative with your pose and crop!

• You will have all day in class to work on these today as well as Wednesday's class.
• These will be due next Monday.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Turkey type

Today your assignment will be to create a turkey using only type. Some of you have created font-bots for Mr. Capozzi in the past. This is just an extension of that assignment.

Choose your font carefully!
Using ONLY letters/numbers from ONE font, create your turkey!

I want to see these by the end of class today!


Have a great holiday!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Illustrated quote Critique (for real)

O.k. we will REALLY be critiquing your illustrated quotes today. Be prepared to defend your work!


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Illustrating a quote: Critique

Today we will look at your Illustrated quotes. We will talk about your concept and execution. Be prepared to defend your work! Why did you choose the graphics you used? What do the colors mean? How did your manipulation of type increase the effect of your quote?

Part of every assignment is knowing why you did the things you did. Be prepared to explain why during class today.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Illustrating a quote

Today's assignment will have you marrying typography with graphics to create an interesting layout. Remember, type can be a graphic element as well, so use that to your advantage.

Your new assignment is to pick a quote from a famous person. You can use websites such as: Brainy Quote, Great Quotes, Famous Quotes and Authors, or one of your own choosing.

Once you have your quote, you must create a design for your quote that includes:
• an image of the person you are quoting
• at least one font that helps give your quote the correct feeling (more than one is o.k.)
• some other type(s) of graphic element to add interest.

Make an Adobe Illustrator document that is 11"x8.5" (letter sized - landscape)
Any photoshop elements must be brought into illustrator and vectorized

Remember to be creative with your type! It doesn't all have to be the same font. It doesn't all have to be the same size. You will be learning how to relate text to graphics in this exercise, so experiment! Pick your most important elements and choose how you can present them to make them stand out.

You will have all week to complete this assignment. They will be due at the beginning of class on Monday, November 14th. Save your Illustrator file as a .pdf and save your file with the following name: lastname_quote.pdf

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fonts as form: critique (Take Two)

Today we will be discussing your "fonts as form" projects in class. For REAL, this time! This is the last time extension I will be giving on homework. Also of note: as announced in class, I am NO LONGER ACCEPTING LATE HOMEWORK. If it's not turned in on the due date, you'd better have a doctor's excuse if you want to make it up!

We will look at everyone's projects and see if the class can determine which font you chose for which emotion. If the class can't pick it out, your grade will suffer.

I will be grading these on the quality of your final drawings as well. I warned you to be neat! Let's see if you listened!